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IDPro BoK Refresh Process

Review and Refresh Process

One year after publication of the most recent version of an article, the IDPro Principal Editor will kick off a review process to evaluate the ongoing accuracy and relevancy of the material to the IAM community.

  1. The IDPro Principal Editor will open a call, first to the BoK committee and then to the IDPro membership, for at least two reviewers to evaluate a given article.
  2. Reviewers will evaluate the article based on the following criteria:
    • Is the topic still relevant?
    • Is the information still accurate?
    • Is the information complete?
  3. Reviewers must come back with one of the following recommendations:
    • The article is still accurate, relevant, and complete. No change required.
    • The article is still relevant, but needs to be modified for language, accuracy, and/or completeness. Update required.
      • Any recommended changes must include pointers to any issues or pull requests added to the IDPros GitHub repository for the article under review. (see below)
      • Evaluating accuracy includes verifying if any author affiliation changes need to occur.
    • The article is no longer relevant. Move to a BoK archive.
    • This article should be reviewed [annually, biennially, or triennially].

Updating or Archiving Articles

  1. In the case of an update being required, the latest author(s) should be contacted to determine if they are willing and able to refresh the material.
  2. If the author(s) is not a available, then the BoK Committee will make a call to the IDPro community for a new author. If significant changes are made, the original author may either be kept as a co-author (if they respond to queries) or moved to an Acknowledgements section for recognition of their original work.
  3. If no one is available to update the article, the BoK Committee will discuss moving the article to an archive until such time as someone becomes available to refresh the article.
  4. Entries in the Consolidated Terminology document must be updated with any refresh of the article, or marked as "obsolete" (but not removed) if the article is archived.
  5. The article will follow a full peer review process if major revisions are required. If only minor revisions are required, then the article will only be reviewed by the BoK Committee and the IDPro Board. The Principal Editor will discuss the level of formal review required with the individuals examining the article.

Other Considerations

  1. The IDPro Certification Committee must be notified when articles are added or revised.
  2. The Review and Refresh Process must be offset from new issue publication dates.

GitHub Issue or Pull Request (PR) Validation

GitHub repository location:

The Principal Editor is expected to subscribe (aka, "watch") to the IDPros GitHub repository and bring any issues or pull requests (PR) to the attention of the BoK Committee.

The BoK Committee will evaluate the suggested changes and mark them as "verified" via a GitHub tag. Issues or PRs marked as "verified" must be incorporated in the next version of the article.