Standards, Regulations, and Laws

An Introduction to OAuth2.0

Author: Bertrand Carlier (Wavestone)

  • An Introduction to OAuth2.0

    Standards, Regulations, and Laws

    An Introduction to OAuth2.0



This article will provide an introduction to a widely deployed protocol named OAuth 2.0 (which stands for Open Authorization 2.0). It is used extensively with the large social media service providers as well as many other web-based services on the Internet today.

Keywords: oauth2, oidc, openid connect

How to Cite:

Carlier, B., (2023) “An Introduction to OAuth2.0”, IDPro Body of Knowledge 1(12). doi:

Published on
27 Oct 2023
Peer Reviewed
Introduction to OAuth 2.0

By Bertrand Carlier

© 2023 IDPro, Bertrand Carlier

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About OAuth2

In a nutshell, this standard protocol aims to allow access from a client application (a website, a mobile application, an Internet-connected device, etc.) to a protected resource (e.g., an API), possibly on behalf of a resource owner (e.g., the end-user). It can be associated with several transport protocols but has been very popular to secure REST web services.

This article will focus on the current published standards; work is underway in the OAuth working group in the IETF to update some of this material. For more information on how OAuth came about and its relationship with other authentication protocols, see Pamela Dingle’s IDPro Body of Knowledge article, “Introduction to Identity - Part 2: Access Management.” 1

OAuth2 can be considered a three-step protocol:

  1. Get an access token

  2. Use the access token

  3. Validate the access token

A diagram of a software process Description automatically generated

Figure 1: High-level diagram of OAuth2 flows

When looking into the OAuth2 specification space, you are quickly surrounded with many documents, making it difficult to determine the easiest path to follow.

Let’s see where to start the journey and where to head.


Term Definition
Client A client application consuming an API
Protected Resource An API in the OAuth2 terminology
Resource Owner An end-user using the client application and granting it access to the protected resource
Authorization Server (AS) The OAuth2 server is able to authorize a client, issue tokens, and potentially validate tokens
Scope A string designating a (part) of a protected resource that a client is authorized to access
Bearer token A token whose possession is sufficient to enable access to a protected resource
Sender constrained token A token whose possession is not sufficient to enable access to a protected resource (additional proof of identity by the client application is required)
Access token The OAuth2 token that allows a client to get access to a protected resource
Refresh token The OAuth2 token that allows a client to renew an access token when it is expired without the user’s presence

Where to start

OAuth2 is defined through a series of IETF RFC documents that each describe a specific aspect, use case, or profile of use of the protocol.

Figure 2: An artistic rendering of OAuth and related standards, courtesy of Aaron Parecki

Everything starts with two RFC documents:

Let’s use this breakdown to see what OAuth2 offers.

Get a Token:

This step can be seen as a two-step process: first, the client must be authorized for an access token, then the client will perform a token request.

  • As mentioned above, of the four initial ways to obtain a token, two are deprecated following OAuth2.1 (currently draft):

    • Resource Owner Password Credentials, which encouraged an anti-pattern of sharing end-user credentials with the client application

    • Implicit flow, which made extensive use of the browser’s front channel and therefore introduced security issues

  • The two recommended flows remaining are the following:

    • Authorization code flow is the recommended way to obtain a token when a resource owner is present and needs to authenticate first and then consent to delegate access for the client application to the protected resource. This flow uses redirections within a user-agent, typically the user’s browser, as well as a back-channel request to eventually obtain the OAuth2 Access Token.

There is a first step to authorize the client to get an access token and then a second step where the client actually gets the token.

An additional protection to the original Authorization Code flow is now recommended in order to tighten the security of OAuth2 authorization and deliver the Access Token to the legitimate client that initiated the request. The name of this additional protection is PKCE (for Proof Key Code Exchange, pronounced “pixie,” as defined in RFC 7636 ) and is considered a good approach to handle public clients. 6

  • Client credentials aim to authenticate the client application only to deliver the access token (in that case, the AT is not linked to an end user’s identity but only to the client application identity). This flow is suited for application-to-application access.

Use the Token

This step aims to use the access token while calling the protected resource.

RFC 6750 describes how an access token should be conveyed to a protected resource. In a very brief summary, and in order of preference, the token should be passed as:

  • An HTTP header as a bearer token (Authorization: Bearer <access token>)

  • A POST parameter

  • A GET parameter (aka Query String parameter)

Validate the Token

Finally, the protected resource receiving a token needs to check the token’s validity. This token validation was, for a long time, left to implementations to define how to proceed:

  • The token format is not specified and can be anything from a randomly generated opaque string acting as a reference token to a quite frequently witnessed JWT signed value token ( RFC 7519 ), but it can be anything that would fit the designers of any given implementation. 7

  • If the token is opaque to the client as per the RFC, no specific instructions are defined regarding how the protected resource should validate it. It relies on an out-of-band and beyond-the-scope-of-the-specification process to agree between protected resource and authorization server on how to validate a token: digital signature validation and possibly decryption of a self-contained token (see RFC 9068 for standardization of this approach using JWT as the token format) or introspection of a reference token against an Authorization Server (AS) endpoint (see RFC 7662 for standardization of this approach).

It is generally recommended to rely on one of those two documents to help with interoperability between the protected resource and the authorization server

Beyond the Basics

This section of the article now gives additional details on more aspects of the OAuth2 protocol and additional specification documents.


OAuth2 does not allow a client application to access any resource without restriction once it has an access token. An authorization request and, ultimately, the issued token holds a scope (which is a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings) that will allow the protected resource to determine if the authorization was indeed given to access it.

Get a Token (Also)

A few additional ways to obtain an access token were later provided through additional specifications:

  • SAML profile and JWT profile will allow the delivery of an access token in exchange for, respectively, a SAML token or a JWT token issued for a specific end-user or crafted by the client application itself in order to authenticate itself. 8

  • Device flow will allow Internet-connected devices to retrieve an access token even if they can’t display a browser or are input-constrained. 9 This flow will rely on the end-user using another device (e.g., a browser on a smartphone) to complete part of the sequence.

  • Token exchange will enable an access token to be issued in exchange of any other security token and will provide guidelines to correctly implement delegation or impersonation. 10


Until now, only the access token was mentioned. It is the core token that OAuth2 provides to client applications. This token is generally a bearer token, meaning that any entity that gets access to it can use it to access the protected resource. This characteristic has several security implications:

  • The protected resource cannot be sure that the client application currently requesting access is the same one that initially obtained the token

  • The end user that may have had to be authenticated to allow the token to be generated may not be present anymore

Access tokens, therefore, can have different characteristics to mitigate those implications:

  • Time-limited tokens. The specification recommends that the access token has a limited lifetime.

  • Sender-constrained tokens. Recent specifications ( mTLS , DPoP , etc.) allow that access tokens can be bound to the initial client application using various mechanisms, generally involving proof-of-possession of a cryptographic key both at the token request and at the token usage and that the token is linked to that key material (through a public key thumbprint for instance). 11 As a consequence, a sender-constrained token can only be used by the application that requested the token. It is worth noting that while approaches like DPoP can protect against a stolen token, they do not protect against a stolen client ID/secret for a client_credential grant.

OAuth2 also defines the concept of a refresh token issued by the Authorization Server and shared with the client app. This refresh token will allow the client app to request a fresh AT (e.g., once it expires) and potentially a refreshed refresh token without having to involve the end-user, for instance. This can be used to maintain a decent UX in a single-page application (SPA) or to allow for offline access when the user is not present anymore, but the client app needs access to the protected resource.


In order to help clients dynamically register against an authorization server or programmatically get information about the authorization server features and level of support, some discovery and dynamic registration specifications are also available:

Beyond OAuth2

Now that most OAuth2 specifications have been introduced, you can easily imagine how difficult it can sometimes be to navigate through them and ensure one’s implementation is solid and secure. OAuth2 working group members created additional documents to help:

OAuth2 is also a foundation upon which other protocols were developed, the most known among these being OpenID Connect.

  • OpenID Connect , as described in the specification, is a “simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.” 16 Contrary to OAuth2, which focuses on authorization delegation, OIDC focuses on authentication. It introduces another token ( ID Token ), which is shared between the Authorization Server (or OpenID provider) and the client (or Relying Party). This token is a JWT formatted token. It conveys information about the authenticated identity through standard-defined claims and information about the authentication itself (time of authentication, method used, etc.).

  • User-Managed Access 2.0 is another protocol defined on top of OAuth2 (as a new authorization grant). 17 It introduces additional tokens, but most importantly, it does introduce a new player in the picture: the requesting party, which can be different from the resource owner (in OAuth2, the resource owner is the requesting party).

Additional Reading

For additional information on implementing OAuth2, these resources may be of assistance:

  • Richer, Justin, and Antonio Sanso. 2017. OAuth 2 in Action . Manning.

  • Parecki, Aaron. 2018. OAUTH 2.0 Simplified .


Bertrand Carlier is a senior manager in the Cybersecurity & Digital Trust practice at Wavestone consultancy with 20 years of experience. He has been leading major Identity & Access Management projects, working with many client companies in a variety of industries.

He is devoted to promoting and encouraging the use of open standards and has done so through leading projects and talks at various international conferences.

He likes nothing more than to tackle the newest problems in the Identity and Access Management space: API & microservices security, IAM of Things, AI for IAM and IAM for AI, and, of course, the longstanding problem of “how to cope with both the legacy and the ever more shiny (and accumulating) new toys?”

  1. Dingle, P., (2020) “Introduction to Identity - Part 2: Access Management”, IDPro Body of Knowledge 1(2). doi:

  2. Hardt, D., Ed., "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework", RFC 6749, DOI 10.17487/RFC6749, October 2012, <>.

  3. Jones, M. and D. Hardt, "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage", RFC 6750, DOI 10.17487/RFC6750, October 2012, <>.

  4. Richer, J., Ed., "OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection", RFC 7662, DOI 10.17487/RFC7662, October 2015, <>.

  5. Bertocci, V., "JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens", RFC 9068, DOI 10.17487/RFC9068, October 2021, <>.

  6. Sakimura, N., Ed., Bradley, J., and N. Agarwal, "Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients", RFC 7636, DOI 10.17487/RFC7636, September 2015, <>.

  7. Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015, <>.

  8. Campbell, B., Mortimore, C., and M. Jones, "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants", RFC 7522, DOI 10.17487/RFC7522, May 2015, <> and Jones, M., Campbell, B., and C. Mortimore, "JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants", RFC 7523, DOI 10.17487/RFC7523, May 2015, <>.

  9. Denniss, W., Bradley, J., Jones, M., and H. Tschofenig, "OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant", RFC 8628, DOI 10.17487/RFC8628, August 2019, <>.

  10. Jones, M., Nadalin, A., Campbell, B., Ed., Bradley, J., and C. Mortimore, "OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange", RFC 8693, DOI 10.17487/RFC8693, January 2020, <>.

  11. Campbell, B., Bradley, J., Sakimura, N., and T. Lodderstedt, "OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens", RFC 8705, DOI 10.17487/RFC8705, February 2020, <> and Fett, D., Campbell, B., Bradley, J., Lodderstedt, T., Jones, M., and D. Waite, "OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)", RFC 9449, DOI 10.17487/RFC9449, September 2023, <>.

  12. Richer, J., Ed., Jones, M., Bradley, J., Machulak, M., and P. Hunt, "OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol", RFC 7591, DOI 10.17487/RFC7591, July 2015, <>.

  13. Jones, M., Sakimura, N., and J. Bradley, "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata", RFC 8414, DOI 10.17487/RFC8414, June 2018, <>.

  14. Lodderstedt, T., Ed., McGloin, M., and P. Hunt, "OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations", RFC 6819, DOI 10.17487/RFC6819, January 2013, <>.

  15. Denniss, W. and J. Bradley, "OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps", BCP 212, RFC 8252, DOI 10.17487/RFC8252, October 2017, <>.

  16. Sakimura, N., Bradley, J., Jones, M., de Medeiros, B., Mortimore, C. “OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1,” OpenID Foundation, November 2014, .

  17. Maler, E. (ed.), Machulak, M., Richer, J. “User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization,” Kantara Initiative, January 2018, .